Men's shirts

A shirt for every occasion. Elegant or sporty, our shirts dress your day to the fullest thanks to fine pure cotton fabrics.

You can choose from our classic solid or color your look with striped or patterned cottons from our collection! You can also order by phone!

Camicia azzurra oxford BD Slim - Angelico
Camicia azzurra twill collo francese slim - Angelico
Camicia bianca unita twill Francese regular fit - Angelico
Camicia azzurra twill collo italiano slim - Angelico
Camicia bianca polso gemelli abbottonatura inglese - Angelico
Camicia azzurra twill francese comfort - Angelico
Camicia bianca unita twill collo italiano - Angelico
Camicia azzurra oxford francese slim - Angelico
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For amounts over € 149.00 in Italy.


Products made from the finest Italian fabrics.


We are always ready to assist you.